Author Topic: I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!  (Read 11407 times)

Offline Bobman

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I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!
« on: Oct 05, 2005, 09:26:23 AM »
I'll post a new story now so hopefully others will follow:

This is a true story told by my Dad and uncle back at our camp after a day afield.

We were just finishing a deer drive at the end of a warm day.  My uncle was on post and my father was his driver (All the drivers would meet up with their assigned poster before the poster was to leave the Field.  This way we didn't miss deer or lose anyone.).  As my father is approaching my uncle he sees him sitting under a tree asleep and off to one side my dad sees a deer bedded down with its head on its hoofs.  He gets to my uncle and wakes him up thinking he shot the deer and is waiting for help to gut and drag.  Well my uncle never saw it when he walked in and hadn't shot it so they walk over to take a look, guns ready.  As they get closer they see that there is actually a second deer bedded down facing away from them, both does.  Well they walk right up to the deer talking normally (they figured the deer were shot and had just fallen and died near my uncle while he was asleep) and neither deer move.  My dad pokes the first one with his gun barrel, nothing.  He's walking around the deer trying to see where it was shot but nothing, so he slides the gun barrel under the deers back end and starts to lift it up to flip it over when the deer wakes up and stands up looking at them.  Now my uncle and father are shocked and don't know what to do, this deer is also shocked and looks confused (by the way, she had no injuries) and just stands there looking at them meanwhile the second deer is still laying down a little ways behind the first deer no moving.  Finally the first deer turns and takes a few bounds over the second deer's back and stops to look back at my father and uncle.  The second deer finally looks around, stands up and bounds after the first.  My dad and uncle at this point are laughing so hard that any thought of shooting these deer goes out the windows.  My uncle, just for the heck of it, starts walking toward the deer with his hand out and calling them in like they were dogs (Heere deerie, deerie, deerie!).  All of a sudden, both deer put their tales down and start walking back to my father and uncle!  They get about 10 feet away when the deer finally wise up and decide they should get the heck out of there.  While all this is going on the rest of us on the drive have come out of the woods and are waiting at the vehicles for my father and uncle.  They come out of the woods laughing so hard they had tears streaming down their faces and could hardly breathe.  That was the only deer anyone on that drive saw that day too.
Their comin' right for us!

Offline adkRoy

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Re: I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!
« Reply #1 on: Oct 05, 2005, 11:07:31 AM »
Ok here's another story. I was turkey hunting one fall day many years ago. It was early morning and I was sitting on the ground with my back against the tree. Being so quiet and warm out I fell asleep. I woke up when I felt something wet touch my face. I looked and there was a big doe sniffing me and behind her were two yearlings. She immediately let out a snort and took off withher two young ones trailing her. Not the first time I've fallen asleep only to wake up with a deer near by me.
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Re: I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!
« Reply #2 on: Oct 11, 2005, 12:13:07 AM »
Ok, here's one that still haunts me till this day, and I will never forget it.  It is full rut, and I am 14 or 15 years old, I was looking at the field near my house and as I was getting ready to go to the woods I saw a doe in the field, so I panic and get ready really fast, I got into the field a ways on my way to my stand, and here comes three more does and a nice perfect rack ten pointer, about a 20 inch spread and foot long tines.  He was all doped up on the does, and didn't care that I was there at all, I couldn't believe it.  I saw him and he saw me, so I walked towards him, and he kept just walking after these does, I got within 15 yards of him, and I decided to take a shot before he could figure out that he had messed up and was standing near a human.  I reach over to put my release on my string and I freaked.  I had no release, I had forgotten it back at the house because I was in such a hurry.  I thought well, this only happens so many times in ones lifetime, so I decided to shoot fingers for the first time ever.  I could aim left to right really well, but I could not figure out how to aim for correct hieght.  The first shot when perfect left to right, but went right over his back missing him by 1 inch.  He just stood there and looked at me, he was broadside standing there while I shot all the arrows in my quiver.  I did not think to do the same thing I did the first time but aim lower, so once I gathered my thoughts and figure out how to aim with fingers I just shot my last arrow.  The second shot went right through his rack, just barely making it through without hitting his rack, and the third shot went right under him, and the fourth and last shot went right over his back and missed by a half inch.  I was sure I could hit him if I had one more arrow, but I was now out.  This monster looked at me for a little longer and then walked away towards the does which were on their way towards the woods.  All I could do was watch him.  I still can't believe that happened, and I never have forgotten my release since.


Offline adkRoy

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Re: I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!
« Reply #3 on: Oct 28, 2005, 07:24:04 AM »
Last year, after 5 years of marraige my wife said she wanted me to give up hunting and ice-fishing. She said she didn't see why I needed to hunt and fish when I could just by meat at the market. Now she is my ex-wife and I sure don't miss her!
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Offline shrub

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Re: I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!
« Reply #4 on: Oct 28, 2005, 03:48:03 PM »
Last year, after 5 years of marraige my wife said she wanted me to give up hunting and ice-fishing. She said she didn't see why I needed to hunt and fish when I could just by meat at the market. Now she is my ex-wife and I sure don't miss her!

now thats a man that has his prioateys straigh
I didnt reach the top of the food chain to be a vegatarin!!!!

Offline FarginIcehole

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Re: I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!
« Reply #5 on: Oct 17, 2006, 08:11:24 AM »
my friend and i enter the woods to begin a drive with 4 other pushers. we take 10 steps into the woods and he shoots and yells i got her , i got her. he runs up to the deer on the ground only to notice the deer was already dead and had a tag on it. someone shot it and laid it down earlier in the morning. he was so excited he thought he shot a bedded doe!!!

Offline Robb

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Re: I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!
« Reply #6 on: Oct 17, 2006, 10:53:04 AM »

That is hilarious!!! I bet he felt a little stupid.

2010 ADK 14 PT

Offline adkRoy

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Re: I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!
« Reply #7 on: Oct 17, 2006, 11:06:30 AM »
my friend and i enter the woods to begin a drive with 4 other pushers. we take 10 steps into the woods and he shoots and yells i got her , i got her. he runs up to the deer on the ground only to notice the deer was already dead and had a tag on it. someone shot it and laid it down earlier in the morning. he was so excited he thought he shot a bedded doe!!!

Talk about embarassing! :-[
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Offline tucker

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Re: I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!
« Reply #8 on: Oct 17, 2006, 12:47:22 PM »
he was so excited he thought he shot a bedded doe!!!

I'm sure you don't mention it to him being the gentlemen you all are ;D


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Re: I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!
« Reply #9 on: Oct 17, 2006, 04:09:06 PM »
One time I was sitting on a small folding chair bowhunting.  I was in a small clearing that connected to a larger clearing that I was watching.  A small young of the year deer came walking up and laid down right next to me close enough to reach out and touch.  I let the thing lay there for several minutes while I watched it.  Finally I couldn't stand it any longer so I whispered "hey deer".  That thing shot straight up in the air and then froze looking at me for a few seconds, then snorted like crazy and took off.

Offline zooker

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Re: I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!
« Reply #10 on: Nov 17, 2006, 07:20:49 PM »
ever wrestle a deer? i have twice killed both with the same knife..

my bro gut shoots a spike it runs up to me and drops after 15 mintues i walk up to dress it. grab one horn it leaps to it's feet. knife in hand we go at it.we roll down a hill i finally get it in the neck..
i took a beatin ripped jacket ripped blue jeans. bloody and bruised i still drag the deer 200 yards -it was a long 200 yards too-up hill-.

14 years later and 4 states south. i shoot a deer in the head with a 44 mag toss her in the truck drive home back in the barn. go to unload the deer she kicks me. we go at it finally i get the knife loose and end her ass. blood, fur and a carhartt jacket scattered across the barn. 17 stitches and a week of feeling like being hammered by a meat tenderizer..

my brother witnessed both matches said it was the damest thing he ever saw. he never wanted to get in a fight with me after that..

« Last Edit: Nov 17, 2006, 07:24:55 PM by zooker »

Offline hunter

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Re: I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!
« Reply #11 on: Nov 19, 2006, 09:06:38 AM »
Last year, after 5 years of marraige my wife said she wanted me to give up hunting and ice-fishing. She said she didn't see why I needed to hunt and fish when I could just by meat at the market. Now she is my ex-wife and I sure don't miss her!
What took so long !!! ??? ;D
Let the little 8 Pt's grow up to be 10's    I Fish A Lot !!!

Offline slt

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Re: I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!
« Reply #12 on: Feb 07, 2008, 09:15:07 PM »
ZOOKER simular story. My wife a$$ shots a big doe right at last light. Snow in the forcast so I have no choice. Take her home to stay with the kids, pick up my buddy and a couple of lights ( called the warden to let him know and thus no gun) and go back and start tracking. Find her bedded but plenty lively in a small clearing in the black growth.  Buddy holds her under the lights while I try to sneak up behind her. she's bedded against two small confirs growing about a foot apart. I figure if I grab an ear and pull her head between the trees like a stanchion her throat is as good as slit. WRONG. I sneak up...she knows something is up but she's watching the lights. I reach between the trees and grab an ear and FIGHT ON!!!! I held the ear while she beat my face against the tree. I slashed and slashed her throat and didn't she ever bleat! While I'm fighting with her my buddy yells to me " I'll go back to the truck and get a rope. A ROPE?! A ROPE.... help me you SOB!!!....... After he stopped laughing he did help with the drag What a pal
Fight crime. Shoot back!

Offline adkRoy

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Re: I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!
« Reply #13 on: Feb 08, 2008, 10:29:07 AM »
SLT, Now that's funny!
Tresspassing on my land is bad, Tresspassing on my land with an ATV will get you shot!

Offline luckyduck22

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Re: I can't believe no one has hunting stories to tell!
« Reply #14 on: Feb 08, 2008, 04:42:11 PM »
hahaha. a few years ago i was hunting with my father and my was gettin late and my uncle just shot this and my dad were makin our way up this revine and we here BOOM!! scared the living s#^! out of me because i was young and the shot we walked up to him and asked him what was going on .he told us he just shot this nice doe and it was layin down between these trees.we walk up to it like idiots thinking it was dead and it hops up and stumbles down the hill.and that was the last we saw of make a long story short we walked down the hill and there was no blood no tracks and no sign of this deer. we were sittin there scratching our heads and all of a sudden the deeer pops it head up out of the water and goes back under.we started laughing and it popped up again and my uncle sealed the deal...that shows how much stamina and not wanting to die a deer is.ill never forget that hunt


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