MHF US Northwest > Hunting Idaho

Updated 27 Nov, 114 in the dirt and 106 to go


Idaho wollf hunt is over half over.

My congratulations go out to the successful hunters and best of luck to those hunting in zones still open.

Go team Spud go!

Is this locked out.  I tried to post a few minutes ago, but was rejected.

My brother killed one in 2009 and took hair out of another early in 2010 but we never found the dog.  We called them in 4 times, but were only successful once.   :( and  :).

I'd love to see the statistics on how many were repopulated after the season.  I never got into them, but heard them.  Elk and deer were definetly more sparse where I usually hunt.  Also a lot more skittish...I'm sure this is a positive thing's just making me a better hunter?  >:(


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