The Camp Fire > Hunting Stories

When did it all begin?

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62 years ago when I was 8 and I'm not ready to stop yet.I can't wait for November for 10 days of their rifle season.

Peddler :)

I don't remember exactly when I started fishing, but distinctly remember bullheads at the farm across the street when I was between 5 and 8.  Haven't stopped since.

I do remember going to our family's hunting camp as well as a blind in an orchard (probably before I was five), but first hunting experience in the field wasn't unit when I was 14 or so.  Guy mom was dating would take me, and I would sit in the blind with him.  He was a butcher and chef by trade, so I saw him break down and package a lot of deer in the basement of his restaurant for friends.  He used to have me come over and skin them for him so he could go down and process them in between sending meals out of the kitchen.  Funny thing though, I never got my license back then.  I never took my hunter safety course until about eight or nine years ago.  In a way, I look back and consider that fifteen years of my life wasted.  Still waiting on my first deer....

hunting 2 years ago and loving a late start but I sure am trying to make up for for 20 years or that as well....

Love to hunt and fish and have been doing both since before I can remember.  No idea when really other than I turned 30 this spring so sometime after '82  8)  Got my first hunting liscence at 8 yrs old and moved to PA when I was 11 and was too young to buy a liscence  :-[  Had to go back to Vt and shot my first buck that year ;)  Put a few more into the freezer since


Had it in my blood at a young age..... ;D ;D


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