The Camp Fire > The Grumpy Old Men Hunting Shack

Time change

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           Forgive me if I go off on a rant. I forgot to change my clocks back last night, not a big deal now. I think they should change the clocks 1/2 hr. then leave it alone. it would solve this whole kids going to school in the dark issue. Changing the time dissrupts every 1's internal clock for a week ago then you have to go through it again in the spring. My girlfriend has this clock that she has had forever & it changes automaticlly, but a few yrs. ago they changed the time change a couple weeks later, what's w/that, now she has to correct when it changes @ the old date, then has to change it manually today. >:(

I wish they would pitch Daylight Savings Time to the curve, and be done with it.  Move the clocks back this one last time, and that's it, no more.  The reasons it was originally instituted no longer apply anyway.  Oh, and by the way, on the subject of kids....  I have a three year old and a six year old sitting next to me as I type this.  They don't know what time it is on the clock, but their internal clocks got them up thirty minutes ago  ::)


       The time change took over again, I woke up this morning & thought that it was the normal time to get up & it was 3:10, 1 hr earlier than I usually get up! >:(

i hate the time change too,like chucker my kids 3 and 6 are all goofed up by this stupid thing,maybe we should start putting a boycot to daylight savings in place for this spring and be done with this crap

I missed this one likes a grumpy ole guy rant more than me...LOL
Just doesn't make sense any longer.....I think they know it as well....why they pushed it back further, and for less time.....except for the fact that politicians said it would be that way, there is no good reason to do that they have said it was so....they won't change it unless there is a major uprising from the people....which this year would have been a good one to do it....election and all......but we sheep just change the clock and go on......I just deal with waking up earlier and make more coffee.....


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