The Camp Fire > The Grumpy Old Men Hunting Shack


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hey, i was wondering if anyone had any good way of getting a bear without baiting them or running them with dogs. i live in Mass and they outlawed baiting and dogs and was looking for a way to get one. Ive hunted for bear in the past and gotten two but they were both off baits. if anyone has any way feel free to let me know.


You can legally hunt a corn field, apple orchard, or beechnut ridge without it being considered bait and any of the three will produce. Good luck

thanks ill have to try it.

there is no reason why baiting is illegal. I wish it was leagle in ny that is the only sure fire way to kill a bear

there are calls made for bear, and preditor calls could work too, but it sounds like spot and stalk if possible is what you have to do.
and easy on the bear baiters JimP, their hunters too, and renting is easy maybe but keeping a bait is plenty of work.


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