Hunting by Game/Technique > Bear Hunting



what do they usually look i was squirrel hunting this past weekend i was following a trail,deer trail in my opinion but as i got to the end at a rocky riidge,i noticed all the vegetation was gone in a radius of 50 yards (maybe a little more )and the canopy was covered with hickory,oak and pine trees so that ruled out someone's illegal garden  ,then as i was walking thru it i see this huge mound of dirt piled up,i meen you could fill a pickup trk.bed with it,then a little closer look and there was a big entrance that went back under a rock cliff ..the pile of dirt was'nt fresh ,looked like maybe been there since spring..could this be a bear den that the momma raised a couple cubs and they ate all the vegetation in that area till they were big enuff to roam with her.. bear season is open in ky this year for residents and i am wanting to go after one..would this be  a old den they use the same den each year if they are still alive .........lotta questions but it's the first time i have run into anything like this in the woods ........what do y'all think about it

Sounds like a bear den to me.  How big was the opening at the entrance?  What did it smell like? 

If it is a den, it is likely that the bear will use it again, IMO, but I wouldn't look for it to be back until around the end of October or perhaps even mid-November.

never noticed the smell,   what should it smell like if its a bear den

i know,,,i know ....... like a bear


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