The Camp Fire > Off-topic Discussions
Am I alone here?
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I'll tell it like it is, we're hurting!  We are able to squeak by, there are a LOT of people worse off than us, and I'm grateful for everything we have, but we're hurting.  Between my wife and I we have a LOT of education, and in our mid 40's she is going back to school again!  Yet it still doesn't seem to matter.  I've been looking for a job for almost a year and I have had one interview!  We keep towing the line, but it's getting sickening.

My biggest fear is for my children.  What the hell are they going to do?  The future isn’t very promising…
yep totally agree with you Otis.........times are tough.............and no good future in sight at least for a while....good luck on the job hunting aspect
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